ISAIAH 58:10
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.”
“Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
Hello Friends!
I would love to share our story.
Having been in the beauty, fashion, and modeling industry for over thirty years, I felt a calling to create a society, a true community, where people could work together to mentor others as well as each other.
A mission that uses creative gifts to beautify the world around us as we impart purpose and confidence.
We aspire to beautify the less fortunate, raise funds for scholarships, mentor for new beginnings, and advocate against domestic abuse, child abuse, and human trafficking.
We are a force that brings a powerful message of love, beauty, possibility, and hope, illuminating the world around us with love and compassion.
As a society, we will network to connect, travel to experience, educate to grow, share to evolve, love to enhance, illuminate our faith, and change the world as we create cherished memories.
We are all blessed with our own unique gifts; imagine what can be
accomplish together.
"One Society, a sense of belonging, a circle to count on, a force of love, a bond for a lifetime." ~ LK, Founder
The coat of arms consists of a shield that represents all of our symbols, defining our Why and the year it we were established.
The primary colors are Black, White, Green, and Yellow. Black embodies sophistication. White represents pruity. Green exhibits the earth. Yellow represents the light.
We give all honor and power to God.
Psalms 18:28 For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.
The lotus is our flower.
It rises above the muck, remaining perfect, without stains.
We represent the oak tree with deep roots, powerful stature, wisdom, beauty, strength, and growth.
Our name resembles a person with praying hands for the unity of our society.
The Flower of Life is our symbol of serving all living things with excellence, honoring our God as the creator.
The symbol for unity and strength derives from the Borromean Rings, which are composed of three interlocking circles.
Three is our number. The Celtic Trinity Knot represents the three phases of life. It also represents God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We display selfless love and passion with the Hebrew symbol.
Our gem stone is lapis lazuli.
It represents friendship, truth, and awareness.
We love, inspire, and respect one another, creating a bond that becomes a core circle, this being our UNITY.
Together, we are on fire, continuing to evolve with imagination as we create and love, this being our PASSION.
We serve from the heart as we beautify the world; we dedicate ourselves to assisting those in need, this being our SELFLESSNESS.
We are the essence of purity and simplicity; we stand confidently as we change the world one mission at a time, this being our SOPHISTICATION.
Together, we have brilliant minds, years of experience, intelligence, and knowledge, this being our WISDOM.
We hope for the best for all living things. We love and support all humanity, extending love like the one who created it, this being our EXCELLENCE.
To believe in the Light.
To walk in Love.
To serve with Hope.
This is our way, One Society.